The Facts

14% of teen girls report being forced to have sex.

4% of teen boys report being forced to have sex.

CDC 2021

18% of teen girls report experiencing sexual violence in a one year period.

5% of teen boys report experiencing sexual violence in a one year period.

CDC 2021

About 1 in 12 teens experienced physical dating violence.

About 1 in 12 teens experienced sexual dating violence.

CDC 2019

How Do I Know if My Relationship is Healthy?

Supporting A Survivor

How can I support my peers when sexual or dating violence occurs?

Learn More at PAVE University!

Take our free courses on Consent, Bystander Intervention, and Survivor Support!

Learn More About Supporting Survivors

  • Responding to Disclosures of Sexual Violence

  • When Sexual Violence Happens in Your Friend Group

  • Signs of a Controlling, Unhealthy, or Abusive Relationship

Videos and Discussion Questions


Flip Rodriguez

PAVE Ambassador, Flip Rodriguez is one of American Ninja Warrior’s Elite athletes. He is known for his lightning speed and the iconic mask he wore during competition. After reading thousands of inspiring letters from fans he decided it was time to reveal the meaning behind the mask. Flip disclosed that he was sexually abused as a child. The mask was a way to protect him from people’s judgment, or seeing any kind of emotions. Using the platform of National Television he wanted to show the real him, scares, pain and past. Wanting to inspire others to speak out and put a stop to abuse, he is an ambassador for PAVE. 

Discussion Questions:

  1. What may make it difficult to come forward as a male survivor of sexual assault?

  2. What made Flip feel that he could take off his mask?

  3. How does Flip use his voice to inspire others?

How to Support A Child After Sexual Assault

Teen survivor, activist, and author Chessy Prout & her parents discuss how to respond if a child discloses they have been sexually assaulted.

PAVE has launched tools for parents, guardians, and trusted adults including videos and printed materials. These educational materials educate on how to support child survivors and how to talk to children about consent & healthy relationships.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What can you say to a child who discloses a sexual assault to you?

  2. Is the journey to healing from sexual violence linear?

  3. What are a few healthy ways you can cope as a parent, guardian, or trusted adult?

  4. How can you support a child who discloses a sexual assault to you?

Parental Resources in English

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Recursos Para Padres en Español

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Delaney Henderson & Her Mother Discuss their Journey to Healing

Learn how Kim Henderson supported her daughter after she was sexually assaulted. Studies show that the first person a survivor discloses to can have a tremendous impact on their healing process.

A lot of times, parents, guardians, and trusted adults are in this position, which means that first initial conversation is tremendously important.